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Boundary County Fairgrounds Facilities
What most people consider the Boundary County Fairgrounds is actually an amalgam of facilities owned and managed by different agencies. The Fairgrounds Memorial Hall is owned jointly by several local veterans organizations with the Boundary County Board of Commissioners serving as its board of directors. The Fairgrounds Pavilion, better known as the slab, and all grounds north, south and east of it, including all the ball fields, are owned by Boundary County and managed by the Department of Parks and Recreation. The remaining grounds and buildings are owned by Boundary County and operated and managed by the Fair Board.
Most of the Fairgrounds facilities are available for rent for special occasions subject to written rental agreements and fee schedules. Reservations for fairground facilities, the Memorial Hall and the Pavilion are made through the fair administrator at the Fair Board business office, located year-around at the fairgrounds (Building 3). A 25% rent deposit is required to reserve facilities. To find out what dates are available, call (208) 267-7041.
Fairgrounds facilities layout
1. Pavilion (Slab)
2. Outdoor Booth/Game Area
3. Valley Event Center
4. Fair Office
5. Memorial Hall and Restrooms
6. Exhibit Hall and Restrooms
7. Photography and Small Animals
8. Food Vendor Area
9. 4-H Office, Indoor Arena, Women's Restroom
10. Sheep and Swine Barn
11. Alpaca/Llama and Goat Barn, Mens Restroom
12. Poultry Palace
13. FFA/Rabbit Barn
14. Beef Barn
15. Horse Barn
16. Equine Boarding Facility
17. Outdoor Arena
18. Warm-up Area
Exhibit Hall: The Boundary County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall, at 59' x 95', is the largest indoor meeting room in Boundary County. It is commonly used for craft fairs, antique shows, gun shows, banquets, weddings, seminars, family reunions and camp meetings. The hall includes two restrooms with showers and handicap-accessible restroom. Heat is available on demand and billed separately as used. Rent for the exhibit hall is $150 per day with a $150 deposit.
Memorial Hall: The Memorial Hall is 29' x 40' with a 14' x 15' kitchen, two restrooms and a cloak room. It is great for meetings, birthday parties, dinners or banquets, and its wooden floor makes it a perfect venue for dances! The kitchen provides a range, oven, microwave and refrigerator, plus a triple sink and a small snack bar. There are also three large wooden pews, three tables, and 25 folding chairs available at no additional cost. Rent for the Memorial Hall is $40 per day with a $50 deposit.
VEC - Valley Event Center: The Valley Event Center is 24' x 96' and serves as an all purpose meeting or gathering room and rents for $75.00/day. The building has two handicap accessible rest rooms, and a covered patio area. There are six entrances allowing for convenient access to other fairground facilities. Adjacent to the VEC is a certified kitchen, available for an additional $75.00/day. The kitchen may be rented alone, or together with the VEC.
Pavilion: The Fairgrounds Pavilion is a covered concrete slab with open sides. It is commonly used for barbecues, dances, youth activities and other events during warmer weather. The pavilion is 49' x 142' with 100 amp, 110 volt electrical service. Rental for the pavilion is $35 per day with a $50 deposit.
In addition to the facilities, there are approximately 300 folding chairs and 50 tables available for rent at $5 per table, $1.00 per chair, with a $100 deposit; a portable public address system available for $40 per event with a $200 deposit and an 8' square raised platform available for $25 per event, with a $50 deposit required. Deposits are refunded within 30 days of the event provided the facilities are left in as good or better condition as when use started or equipment is returned in good condition. All fees are subject to change without notice.
See the Boundary County Fairgrounds rental fee schedule for additional rental items and facilities.
To learn more ...
Write: Boundary County Fair Board, P.O. Box 3098, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Call: (208) 267-7041
Fax: (208) 267-5789
Or click here to E-Mail!