Boundary County
All Hazards Mitigation Plan

Section 1

Planning Activities Facilitated by:
Dean Satchwell, Planning and Research
Bob Bosworth, Inland Forest Management, Inc.
Dave Kramer, Director, Boundary County Emergency Management 
Bob Graham, Boundary County Emergency Management
Boundary Economic Development Association

Resolution Concerning the Boundary County
All Hazards Mitigation Plan

Whereas, the facilities, operations and personnel of Boundary County are vulnerable to the human and economic costs of natural, technological and societal disasters; and

Whereas, the Boundary County Commissioners recognizes the importance of reducing or eliminating these vulnerabilities for the overall good and welfare of Boundary County and the surrounding counties; and

Whereas, Boundary County has been an active participant in the Boundary County All Hazards Mitigation Local Emergency Planning Committee, which has established a comprehensive, coordinated planning process to eliminate or decrease these vulnerabilities, with the means to do so; and
Whereas, Boundary County’s representatives and staff have identified, justified and prioritized a number of proposed projects and programs needed to mitigate the vulnerabilities of Boundary County to the impacts of future disasters, within their means to do so; and 

Whereas, these proposed projects and programs have been incorporated into this initial edition of the Boundary County All Hazards Mitigation Plan, which has been prepared and issued for consideration and implementation by the communities of Boundary County and this organization. 

Therefore, be it resolved on this day of , that, 

Boundary County hereby accepts and approves the Boundary County All Hazards Mitigation Plan; and 

The staff of Boundary County are requested and instructed to pursue available funding opportunities for implementation of the proposals designated therein, within the resources available to do so; and

Boundary County will, upon securing such funding or other necessary resources, seek to implement the proposals contained in its section of the strategy; and

Boundary County will continue to participate in the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) to update and expand the Boundary County All Hazards Mitigation Plan in the years ahead; and

Boundary County will further encourage other businesses, industries and community groups within Boundary County to also participate in the All Hazards Mitigation Task Force to support the Boundary County All Hazards Mitigation Plan in the years ahead.

So resolved,

Ronald Smith, Boundary County Commission Chair

Dan Dinning, Boundary County Commissioner

Walt Kirby, Boundary County Commissioner